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Online Only Auction
Tool & Outdoor Consignment Online Auction
Starts on March 22, 2025 at 5:00 PM CST
Items Begin Ending on Saturday March 29th, 2025 at 05:00 PM CST.

Tool & Outdoor Consignment Online Auction 

Saturday March 29 ~ Items Begin Ending at 5:00PM 

Lehde Auction Facility ~ 289 South Illinois St Addieville IL 62214

Please Login to www.lehdeonlineauctions.com to bid on items


Items can be previewed on Wednesday March 26, 4-6PM

Items must be picked up on Sunday March 30, 9AM-2PM  

 Lehde Auction Facility ~ 289 South Illinois St Addieville IL 62214




Cash, Check, Credit, or debit cards (3% charge for use of cards), or money orders are accepted forms of payment.  10% buyer’s premium 

Invoices will be sent following the end of the auction. Online bidders must pay in full and pickup merchandise within the time range stated in the auction terms unless other arrangements are made. If items are not picked up or auction company is not notified of other arrangements bidders will be banned from auctions and items will be resold or disposed of.  NO EXCEPTIONS!!




Please be sure to inspect each item that you intend to bid on. Everything will be sold “as is where is” with no guarantees of any kind. Buyers shall rely entirely on their own inspection and information. 10% buyer’s premium

All items listed will be available for public inspection and information. Buyers are urged to personally inspect and test items before bidding. Pictures taking by the auction company can be misleading one way or another. Items are best described through a short description as the auction company takes the photos. For more information about an item or items please do not hesitate to call Lehde Auction Service to get a more complete description, if needed. (Lehde Auction Service) will not be responsible for any errors or omissions in the description of the merchandise unless it is a material and intentional misrepresentation of the item itself. Bidder agrees that everything is sold as is and that they may not return any item they purchase.  Bidder acknowledges and understands that this service may or may not function correctly the day of the auction. Under no circumstances shall Bidder have any kind of claim against (Lehde Auction Service) or anyone else if the Internet service fails to work correctly before or during the auction. (Lehde Auction Service) will not be responsible for any missed bids from any source. Internet bidders who desire to make certain their bid is acknowledged should use the Set Max-Bid feature and leave their maximum bid 24 hours before the auction begins ending.



We accept paypal at paypal.me/lehdeauctionservice.  


Payment can be made when item is picked up. 10% buyer’s premium




Item # 401

March 29, 08:20 PM
Tool Box w/ 3/8” & 1/4” sockets
Bids: 2
Winning: #2680

Item # 402

March 29, 08:20 PM
Rachets and Sockets 1/4” , 3/8” 1/2” assortment
Bids: 3
Winning: #86

Item # 403

March 29, 08:21 PM
Assortment of Wrenches
Bids: 3
Winning: #2423

Item # 404

March 29, 08:21 PM
Wayne Multi Use Pump, Schumacher Battery charger missing Clips
Bids: 13
Winning: #1722

Item # 405

March 29, 08:22 PM
Childs plastic wagon & tricycle
Bids: 8
Winning: #2172

Item # 406

March 29, 08:22 PM
Drywall screws, Mole Traps, Air Hose
Bids: 7
Winning: #1123

Item # 407

March 29, 08:23 PM
3pt 6ft woods balde
Bids: 23
Winning: #2998

Item # 408

March 29, 08:23 PM
NEW 27ft R-Lock metal 25+ sheets, w/condensation barrier 26GA Crimson red c
Bids: 42
Winning: #2425

Item # 409

March 29, 08:24 PM
3pt dirt scoop
Bids: 3
Winning: #1626

Item # 410

March 29, 08:24 PM
two metal, 3 tier carts & wood storage box
Bids: 3
Winning: #3762

Item # 411

March 29, 08:25 PM
3pt cultivator
Bids: 11
Winning: #1626

Item # 412

March 29, 08:25 PM
Clarke 4-1/2in band saw on stand - works & 3 old wrenches
Bids: 31
Winning: #4870

Item # 413

March 29, 08:26 PM
3pt 5ft finish mower, has side discharge
Bids: 21
Winning: #966

Item # 414

March 29, 08:26 PM
Gravely Pro-Walk 32in gear drive, walk behind mower, 75hrs - works as it sh
Bids: 25
Winning: #3697

Item # 415

March 29, 08:27 PM
1- 5 drawer metal file cabinet & 1- 2 drawer file cabinet
Bids: 4
Winning: #4870

Item # 416

March 29, 08:27 PM
3pt 6ft disc
Bids: 25
Winning: #4870

Item # 417

March 29, 08:28 PM
Gravely Pro-Turn Z60 zero turn mower, 1670hrs runs & operates as it should
Bids: 34
Winning: #3697

Item # 418

March 29, 08:28 PM
4 lawn mower tires
Bids: 4
Winning: #1639

Item # 419

March 29, 08:29 PM
6ftx6ftx29in scaffolding on casters
Bids: 38
Winning: #4796

Item # 420

March 29, 08:29 PM
Full size bed frame & shower base
Bids: 2
Winning: #3524

Item # 421

March 29, 08:30 PM
6ftx6ftx29in scaffolding on casters
Bids: 29
Winning: #2036

Item # 422

March 29, 08:30 PM
Metal Road Stop Sign
Bids: 9
Winning: #44

Item # 423

March 29, 08:31 PM
Rocking horse
Bids: 2
Winning: #87

Item # 424

March 29, 08:31 PM
Hahn Eclipse tiller, Farmcrest Tiller - both need work
Bids: 1
Winning: #1732

Item # 425

March 29, 08:32 PM
5 drawer filing cabinet
Bids: 4
Winning: #4870